Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cations and Anions in Aqueous Solution

These are molar heats of formation for anions and cations in aqueous solution. In all cases, the heats of formation are given in kJ/mol at 25°C for 1 mole of the ion.

Cations ΔHf (kJ/mol)
Anions ΔHf (kJ/mol)
Ag+ (aq) +105.9
Br- (aq) -120.9
Al3+ (aq) -524.7
Cl- (aq) -167.4
Ba2+ (aq) -538.4
ClO3- (aq) -98.3
Ca2+ (aq) -543.0
ClO4- (aq) -131.4
Cd2+ (aq) -72.4
CO32- (aq) -676.3
Cu2+ (aq) +64.4
CrO42- (aq) -863.2
Fe2+ (aq) -87.9
F- (aq) -329.1
Fe3+ (aq) -47.7
HCO3- (aq) -691.1
H+ (aq) 0.0
H2PO4- (aq) -1302.5
K+ (aq) -251.2
HPO42- (aq) -1298.7
Li+ (aq) -278.5
I- (aq) -55.9
Mg2+ (aq) -462.0
MnO4- (aq) -518.4
Mn2+ (aq) -218.8
NO3- (aq) -206.6
Na+ (aq) -239.7
OH- (aq) -229.9
NH4+ (aq) -132.8
PO43- (aq) -1284.1
Ni2+ (aq) -64.0
S2- (aq) +41.8
Pb2+ (aq) +1.6
SO42- (aq) -907.5
Sn2+ (aq) -10.0

Zn2+ (aq) -152.4

Reference: Masterton, Slowinski, Stanitski, Chemical Principles, CBS College Publishing, 1983.