Atwood Titanium Cookie Wrenches measure 2.25" in diameter and are made of 1/8" thick stock. They are based loosely on antique lantern wrench designs from the 1940's. Features include 1/4 and 5/16 hex openings, 3/8, 7/16 and 1/2" wrenches, 5/16 open end wrench/bottle opener, oxygen bottle wrench, lanyard and center 7/8" hex opening.
This batch is lightly bead blasted and anodized a rich rose gold color. Clean with Windex or other glass cleaner periodically to keep the color bright.
So there you are...crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside. Mmmmm good, just like Mom's only these last much longer...LOL.
The Cookie Wrenches will be $65 plus shipping. I didn't make a whole lot of them so it will be one per customer. I'm still finishing the batch so there will be another wave pretty soon. Maybe the next ones will be chocolate chip!
These are gone for today, thank you!

P.S. They are NOT Cookie Cutters. Do you see a blade on these? :P