It was bound to happen eventually. The annual Pap smear, the gold standard for over 40 years for detecting cervical cancer, may soon be replaced by a modern, much more specific DNA test for the human papillomavirus that is responsible for most cervical cancers. The cost of the test is currently around $20-30, but the test is so accurate and specific that women may only need the test once every 5-10 years.
comparative study of the effectiveness of the new DNA test (HPV test) versus the Pap smear (cytologic test) in preventing cervical cancer deaths was conducted in India with funds provided by the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation. After just eight years, the study showed that the DNA test reduced cervical cancer deaths by nearly 50% compared to the Pap test. Significantly, not one woman whose DNA test for HPV was negative died of cervical cancer during the study period.